Hide Facebook Friends list tutorials

So many people  on Facebook have asked me how my friends are not shown on my profile page.You can hide your Facebook friends list from strangers or even your friends.Heres a tutorial about to help you out.

Hide Facebook Friends list
•  Login to your Facebook Account and click on Account tab and go to "Privacy Settings".

Facebook Account ettings

•  Once you complete this step,you will be asked to Choose your Privacy Settings.Click on View Settings.

• Here you will see a list on how to connect to facebook and hiding your information on facebook.Now check "See your friend list".You will see a drop down menu.Click on Customize.

You can choose friendlist to be hidden by clicking on only me under make this visible to tab.Save Setting and you are done.
Hide friends List

Now you have your  Facebook friendlist hidden from everyone including your friends.If you want to share your list with friends,choose only friends instead of only me.  

1 Response to "Hide Facebook Friends list tutorials"

  1. Thanks for the sharing of such information we will pass it on to our readers.
    This is a great reading.

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