Appear Offline or Invisible on Facebook

Many a times we feel that Facebook chat should have an Invisible status just like Gmail and Yahoo.Currently Facebook Chat has 3 statuses - Available,Idle and Offline.Many a times we feel there should be an Invisible status for Facebook Chat.Till now there are no news about Facebook adding that.But there is a trick that you be helpful so that you stay Invisible on Facebook Chat to some some friends(or those whom you choose).

Now go to your Facebook chat and go online.
Create List Facebook Chat

• Click on Friend Lists in the Chat Window.A box will appear asking you to create your list.

• Put a name for you list and Click Enter.You list is now created and you can now add your friends.

Edit list Facebook chat
• Click on the edit button and you will be asked to add friends to your list.

Invisible Facebook Chat

Now once you are done you have completed creating your lists,go to chat and Now you can see your list.I have named my list as School.Click on Go Online.You will appear offline to other contacts and online to the list of friends you selected for the list.

You can stay invisible on Facebook using this trick but you cannot check whos online.Also if you are using any third party applications for Facebook Chat this trick would not work.

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